The Pros of Gaming

The pastime of gaming has evoked controversy within numerous households, including my own. Individuals engaging in gaming activities often face ostracism and disdain due to the perception of this pursuit as unproductive and socially inferior. While acknowledging the reality of gaming addiction, characterized by an individual neglecting all other facets of life in favor of… Continue reading The Pros of Gaming

The Winner’s Mindset

In the realm of victors, a recurrent motif unfurls: Diligence. Commitment. Ethicality. These individuals surpass others through relentless toil, investing formidable hours to yield unparalleled outcomes. They welcome the arduous process, comprehending that each modest input amalgamates, refining their expertise. Their perspective perceives all as an artistic endeavour. Consistently honing their craft daily, fostering refinement… Continue reading The Winner’s Mindset

Getting Back Up After You Fall

In one instance, I found myself charging forward with great zeal and determination. Unbeknownst to me, life unfolds more akin to a marathon rather than a sprint. I realized the necessity of judiciously allocating my energy; investing it in endeavors of genuine significance while sidestepping distractions devoid of meaning. Regrettably, we often lack the foresight… Continue reading Getting Back Up After You Fall