Delivering Difficult Messages

Reflecting on an occasion where I faced the challenge of delivering a difficult message, I recall an experience during my initial year at university when I co-established a business with a fellow student. As our business progressed, I perceived a lack of contribution from my course mate, prompting me to communicate my decision to discontinue the business partnership. The difficulty lay in my friendship with this individual, shared connections within our social circle, and their additional academic commitments.

Regrettably, my approach to delivering this message was overly direct and accusatory, escalating the situation unnecessarily. The impact of my words was profound, causing personal offense and feelings of skill depreciation. This communication not only strained our friendship but also complicated relationships within our shared social circles.

Reflecting on this experience, I acknowledge the need for greater care in word selection and framing. Adopting a more recovery-focused language would have allowed me to acknowledge their strengths while illustrating the impracticality of continuing our partnership given our circumstances. Such an approach might have preserved our friendship and avoided the damage caused by my earlier, injurious communication.

The recent session has been instrumental in reshaping my language use, encouraging me to transition from commonplace expressions to language that fosters acceptance, respect, and appreciation for individual uniqueness. I am now acutely aware of the potential negative impact of words, their capacity to trigger emotions or past traumas, and the importance of mindful expression.

As I pursue work as a peer support worker, I recognize the imperative of conscious language use—whether verbal or written—understanding the profound influence of words on the recipient. I commit to framing my notes in a strengths-based manner, always considering how the individual and their close associates might perceive my words. Furthermore, I will seek their consent before documenting any information about them, ensuring sensitivity and respect in my communication.