Differences in Temperaments and the Four Humours

Men and women often exhibit contrasting temperamental traits, with masculinity generally associated with a cold, reserved nature, and femininity with a warmer, more expressive disposition. However, exceptions exist, with some men displaying fiery, passionate characteristics, and some women manifesting a colder temperament. In the realm of politics, this temperamental division becomes apparent, with conservatives typically… Continue reading Differences in Temperaments and the Four Humours

Addressing Oversharing in Peer and Peer Supporter Relationships

This exercise delves into the issue of oversharing and highlights the importance of maintaining confidentiality within peer relationships. Reflecting on my own experience, I recall a situation during my peer support training when some fellow trainees openly discussed their personal diagnoses and challenges with the rest of the cohort during an induction session. This made… Continue reading Addressing Oversharing in Peer and Peer Supporter Relationships

Building the Right Support in Peer Relationships

In the realm of mental health support, a recent interview delved into a firsthand experience with the PIER team, shedding light on the importance of recognizing and upholding individuals’ rights, the journey of recovery, and the dynamics of peer relationships. The interviewee recounted their post-hospitalisation phase, highlighting their initial encounters with the Clinical Psychiatric Nurse… Continue reading Building the Right Support in Peer Relationships

Ya Aqsa,

Allah gave me a good family. He guides whom He wills. And, we walk a path in life following the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) was a merchant. I want to follow the same path, In leadership.