What Type of Man Should One Be?

Within the sphere of male youth, as well as among senior men, an enduring and pervasive line of inquiry revolves around the intricate concept of the ‘ideal man.’ The construct of masculinity is a multifaceted enigma that has woven its narrative throughout history, manifesting in diverse archetypes. These archetypes have evolved in response to the ever-shifting dynamics of social, economic, and political landscapes, as well as the exigencies of women and children reliant upon the role of men in their lives.

The Renaissance and Spain’s golden age bore witness to a distinct manifestation of masculinity. This period demanded more than mere physical might, as it was characterised by a reduced prevalence of conflict and a heightened emphasis on intelligence, charisma, and grace. These were times of relative tranquility, marked by a diminished interplay of tensions among religious groups, notably Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Governments mastered the art of harmonious coexistence with their communities, fostering progress in the realms of technology and science.

However, it is an unfortunate reality that such utopian epochs are seldom enduring, as societies inevitably oscillate between periods of conflict and peace. During times of heightened tension, the imperative for order becomes paramount, enabling the coexistence of divergent ideological and creedal forces.

Within a traditional framework, humans, and more specifically men, are deemed stewards of the Earth. They are entrusted with the mantle of leadership over all living entities inhabiting our planet. This mantle of responsibility extends to the safeguarding of oneself, one’s property, and one’s community.

From this vantage point, it becomes apparent that men are imbued with dual roles in the fulfillment of their duty. Firstly, physical vigour is deemed indispensable. The ability to endure, protect, and, when necessary, to take decisive action is a foundational requirement. In the presence of a threat, physical dominance is an essential attribute, not only to assert control over the situation but also to uphold the principle of speaking the truth, even in the face of potential opposition, within a civil context.

Secondly, an intellectual acumen of equal magnitude is deemed imperative. Possessing discernment regarding right and wrong, coupled with a robust moral and ethical framework, ensures that a man’s ambitions adhere to a righteous foundation, anchored in noble objectives. This intellectual path also encompasses the cultivation of gracefulness, enabling a man to engage in amicable and civil interactions. This, in turn, ensures that his demeanour is non-intimidating and that he possesses the finesse to articulate his ideas with eloquence, whether through spoken words or nuanced body language.

In the context of the Western world, particularly the United Kingdom, we currently enjoy a standard of living that far surpasses the wildest aspirations of historical royals. Our access to sustenance, shelter, amenities, and opportunities for social interactions with the opposite sex is at a level previously unfathomable. Even individuals occupying the lower strata of society are privy to luxuries that surpass the standard of living experienced by a significant portion of the global population.

Nonetheless, the most distinguished men, regardless of their social standing, exemplify the aforementioned qualities, which serve as a lodestar guiding their trajectory. A man who embodies both vigour and wisdom radiates with resplendence.

A notable hallmark of these exceptional men is their robust libido, a facet rooted in maintaining a wholesome lifestyle. This transformation into an exemplary provider, protector, and the cornerstone of a robust family structure is nurtured by factors such as:

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight.
  2. Sustaining a balanced diet.
  3. Engaging in regular exercise.
  4. Practising sound sleep hygiene.
  5. Staying adequately hydrated.
  6. Limiting or abstaining from the consumption of drugs and alcohol.
  7. Cultivating healthy relationships.

Through the diligent embrace of these habits, men can effectively fulfil their dual roles as both warriors and scholars, leading within their respective domains. Their leadership champions the cause of righteousness, fostering the establishment of a just order for those under their care.